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January 13, 2023
*Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium
Unlocking the mysteries of quantum computing with the power of gates.
A quantum gate is a basic building block of quantum computation, which performs a specific unitary operation on a quantum state. A unitary operation is a mathematical operation that preserves the overall probability of the state, and quantum gates are used to manipulate the state of a quantum computer’s qubits (the quantum equivalent of classical bits).
Quantum gates can be combined to form quantum circuits, which can be used to perform various quantum algorithms such as Shor’s algorithm for factorization and Grover’s algorithm for unstructured search.
It’s important to note that Quantum Gates and Quantum Circuit are the building blocks of quantum computation and they are not physical gates like the ones in classical computers but they are mathematical operations that can be performed on a quantum state. There are several types of quantum gates, including:
The Pauli X gate, also known as the NOT gate, is a fundamental building block of quantum computing. It operates on a single qubit and flips its state, meaning that if the qubit is in the state “0”, it will be flipped to the state “1” and vice versa. The NOT gate is represented by the matrix [[0, 1], [1, 0]]. It plays a crucial role in various quantum algorithms and is used in many quantum operations such as quantum error correction, quantum teleportation, and quantum computation. The Pauli X gate is a simple gate but it has a very important role in quantum computing.
The Pauli Y gate is another important gate in quantum computing, it is one of the three Pauli gates, along with the Pauli X and Pauli Z gates. It operates on a single qubit and rotates its state by pi/2 radians around the y-axis in the Bloch sphere representation. It is represented by the matrix [[0,-i], [i, 0]]. The Pauli Y gate plays a crucial role in many quantum algorithms and operations, such as quantum error correction and quantum computation. It is also used in many quantum gates such as Hadamard, Phase, and CNOT gates. It is also unique as it can be used to create a superposition state and an entangled state.
The Pauli Z gate is one of the three Pauli gates, along with the Pauli X and Pauli Y gates. It operates on a single qubit and rotates its state by pi radians around the z-axis in the Bloch sphere representation. It is represented by the matrix [[1,0], [0,-1]]. The Pauli Z gate plays a crucial role in many quantum algorithms and operations such as quantum error correction, quantum computation, and quantum teleportation. It is also used in many quantum gates such as Hadamard, Phase, and CNOT gates. The Pauli Z gate can also be used to measure the state of a qubit. It flips the state of a qubit if it is in state 1, otherwise, it leaves it unchanged. This feature of the Pauli Z gate allows it to be used as a measurement gate in many quantum algorithms.
The Hadamard gate, or H-gate, is a quantum gate that operates on a single qubit. It is a unitary gate, meaning it preserves the overall probability of the qubit state. It is represented by the matrix [[1/√2, 1/√2], [1/√2, -1/√2]]. The Hadamard gate plays a crucial role in many quantum algorithms and operations such as quantum state preparation, quantum teleportation, and quantum computation. The H-gate can be used to create a superposition state where the qubit is in a state of both 0 and 1 with equal probability. It is a very useful gate in the process of quantum computation, which is the backbone of quantum algorithms. It is also used in many quantum algorithms such as Grover’s search and Shor’s factoring algorithms.
The Phase gate, also known as the S-gate, is a quantum gate that operates on a single qubit. It is a unitary gate that adds a phase shift of pi/2 radians to the state of the qubit. It is represented by the matrix [[1, 0], [0, i]]. The S-gate plays a crucial role in many quantum algorithms and operations such as quantum error correction, quantum teleportation, and quantum computation. The S-gate is also used in many quantum gates such as CNOT and Toffoli gates. It is also unique as it can be used to change the relative phase of the state of a qubit. This feature of S-gate allows it to be used in many quantum algorithms to perform specific tasks such as creating a superposition state and an entangled state. The S-gate is considered a one-qubit gate, which means it only acts on one qubit, making it a simple gate to understand yet powerful in its functionality.
The CNOT, or Controlled NOT gate, is a basic and crucial element in quantum computing. It works on two qubits, the control qubit, and the target qubit, and it flips the state of the target qubit only when the control qubit is in state 1. It is represented by the matrix [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]]. The CNOT gate is widely employed in various quantum algorithms and operations such as quantum error correction, quantum teleportation, and quantum computation. It also appears in other quantum gates like the Toffoli and Controlled-Z gates, and it has the ability to create entanglement between two qubits. The CNOT gate is considered a fundamental building block for many quantum algorithms and it is used to perform many crucial operations such as quantum state teleportation, quantum error correction, and quantum computation. Additionally, the Phase gate (S gate) and the CNOT gate are considered key pairs of gates, and they are often used together in many quantum algorithms to accomplish specific tasks.
The Toffoli gate also referred to as CCNOT, is a quantum gate that operates on three qubits simultaneously. It is a reversible gate and is considered a powerful tool in quantum computing. The Toffoli gate has the unique feature of managing multiple qubits at the same time, making it suitable for complex quantum circuits such as quantum error correction, quantum computation, and several other applications. To implement the Toffoli gate, a combination of other quantum gates such as Hadamard and CNOT gates are used. It plays a crucial role in several quantum algorithms like the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm and the quantum Fourier transform. Additionally, it is useful in the implementation of quantum error-correcting codes as it can detect and correct errors in the quantum state. The Toffoli gate has a wide range of potential applications in quantum computing due to its ability to perform controlled-controlled-not operations on multiple qubits, making it an essential component in the field of quantum computing.
The Controlled-Z (CZ) gate is a quantum logic gate that acts on two qubits. It operates by applying a phase shift of -1 to the state of the second qubit, but only if the first qubit is in the state |1⟩. The CZ gate can be represented by the matrix:
CZ = |1 0 0 0| |0 1 0 0| |0 0 1 0| |0 0 0 -1|
In other words, when the first qubit is in state |0⟩, the CZ gate does not affect the second qubit, and when the first qubit is in state |1⟩, the CZ gate applies a Z-rotation to the second qubit. This makes the CZ gate a useful tool for creating entanglement between two qubits, as well as for implementing certain quantum algorithms, such as the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm.
The SWAP gate is a quantum logic gate that acts on two qubits. It is used to exchange the states of two qubits. The SWAP gate can be represented by the matrix:
SWAP = |1 0 0 0| |0 0 1 0| |0 1 0 0| |0 0 0 1|
It swaps the state of the two qubits and is represented by |ij⟩ to |ji⟩. In other words, if the first qubit is in state |0⟩ and the second qubit is in state |1⟩, applying the SWAP gate will result in the first qubit being in state |1⟩ and the second qubit being in state |0⟩. This makes the SWAP gate a powerful tool for manipulating and controlling the states of multiple qubits, as it allows for the exchange of information between qubits in a quantum system. It is also used in quantum algorithms such as Grover’s search algorithm and Shor’s factoring algorithm.
The Fredkin gate, also known as the controlled-SWAP gate, is a type of three-qubit gate in quantum computing. It acts on three qubits, with the first two serving as control qubits and the third serving as the target qubit. The gate swaps the state of the target qubit with one of the control qubits, depending on the state of the other control qubit. This makes it a powerful tool for quantum algorithms and quantum error correction, as it allows for the manipulation and manipulation of multiple qubits at once. Additionally, the Fredkin gate is also a universal gate, meaning it can be used to construct any other quantum gate.
We have covered almost all the gates, and we hope you have understood the basic functioning of them. In the upcoming stories, we will further explain and demonstrate their implementation using Python, as well as how they are associated with quantum AI.
Operations glossary – IBM Quantum
Learning, how-to, and reference materials for IBM Quantumquantum-computing.ibm.com
Quantum gates
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